
Real Perfect Hair Health Success Stories

We don't force people down a natural or conventional path. We build personalized regrowth regimens based on each person's needs and preferences. Then we follow through with expert-level support. Our success stories speak for themselves.

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“Firstly thank you for your work in this field. I am immensely grateful that I came across your website. It has been quite a journey since last June… These are two recent photos of my progress. There is a lot improvement that I am seeing and my scalp feel alive nowadays… Thanks everyone.”

— Aayush, 20’s, Boston, MA
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“To be honest I am having fun with all this and I still don’t know how much hair I will be able to regrow but for sure it’s happening. The scalp it totally different and you can see from these attached pictures that something is happening.

— Raul, 50’s, Spain
Hair Loss Type

“These new photos are 3 months and ten days later. There is a huge improvement. THANK YOU ROB!!! You’re my hero!!! Huge Hugs from NZ.”

— Stephanie, 60’s, New Zealand
Hair Loss Type

Seeing real good results with hairline. I feel like top of my head has a long way to go considering the starting point but the hairs are coming – the perimeter is filling in more. My scalp is getting much more elastic… Anyways very happy with progress so far.”

— Kyle, 30’s, Canada
Hair Loss Type

The amount of quality information you get from his membership is beyond anything I would have thought I would get… Thank you Rob and your team for always meeting your members where they are, and really diving deep into every individuals history of hair loss. You are what this world needed.”

— Greg G., 20’s, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“About 50% regrowth in 10 months… Not only regrown most of my lost hair but the dietary advice and massages have also impacted my health and psyche in far deeper ways than aesthetic ones…. I’d say that since the beginning of this year both [my mentor] and yourself have turned my life around and I’m very grateful. If you need any testimonials at any point just ask! I can try and take some better photos if you need as well.”

— Sam, U.K.
Hair Loss Type

“I’ve attached some images that represents about 4 months gap since I started a regimen about 6 months ago. It’s a little hard given I’m biased but I think it seems like decent progress for 6 months” … “When I look at the Razor 1 guard images, it perhaps does seem more apparent that there’s been some thickening (if not re-growth) with my current protocol.

— CJ, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“I can no longer for the life of me find the mole I previously used as an anchor point on the right side of my forehead. I am afraid the jungle has claimed it.

— M.D., 29, Europe
Hair Loss Type

“Good catching up today! I found the before-after photos (6 months apart). This was from one session of Botox injections (although I did start Dutasteride around the same time).”

— Daniil, 20’s, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“I had found your website and was so desperate because my hair had more or less stopped growing, well it would grow, a little, but would dissolve into thin air when it reached about 3 – 5 cm (as you see from the photo), and it was thinning a lot, and my natural curls were just gone because my hair was in such a terrible state. And I couldn’t understand why. This had been going on since 2015… [Then I] started in May 2021… The bottom two photos are now. My hair is still growing, my curls are back and the thinning has reversed. I am so relieved! The difference is huge… I just wanted to thank you! Look what you’ve done for me 🙂 I am so grateful. I don’t know what state my hair (or I myself!) would be in today, hadn’t I come across your site. You’re doing a great job, Rob, and you have so much integrity.”

— Marie, 40’s, Canada
Regrowth Regimen

“I am so glad I found and purchased your ebook and held on to your method… Thank you very much for that! [The] first picture is from March… and the second is from October… I am much more confident and content now and don’t spend nearly as much time thinking about my hair.

— Peter, Germany
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

I’m convinced I’ve recovered to probably the hairline I had 3 years ago. Super stoked… I never imagined in the past that any recovery was even possible so this is exciting!”

— Tom, 30, U.K.
Hair Loss Type

“I want to send a massive THANK YOU to Rob! I didn’t believe that I can regrow my hair and now I know that it’s happening and that it’s just a beginning! There are a lot of little hairs that are not visible in these pictures that just started appearing.”

— Krzysiu, 30, Europe
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“So far, results have been very promising. My wife has taken notice and encouraged me to grow it out. At this rate, it seems I may be on the right track!”

— Bannon, 26, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“My progress has, to be honest, been amazing.”

— Yunogro, 20’s
Hair Loss Type
I have attached my before and afters of my progress since joining this group…

“I hope this helps. I know I have definitely benefited from Rob’s knowledge of scalp health, massage and a systemic approach for hair regrowth. I am not where I want to be, but it’s a hell of a start.”

— Jenna, 31, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“I have SO MANY small blond hairs all over my hairline. It’s filling so slowly… but at least it’s filling haha. My hairline’s almost back… I’m pleased with the results so far. It’s really a relief.

— P., age 20
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“I do feel a lot better since starting [these] changes. I don’t feel as dizzy or light-headed… My hair is a lot less greasy. Also, my hair has started growing out a lot more. I agree that there is some improvement; I suppose you can say I want the results more quickly, but it’ll take quite a bit of time… I really noticed the increase in hair density from my recent photos.

— 92336, San Francisco, CA, age 25
Hair Loss Type

“Midst hundreds of misguided knowledge from [the] internet and even the doctor, your content was really a light in darkness for me. And I am genuinely thankful for what you and your team is doing.”

— M.S.
Hair Loss Type

“I finally have had some harsh fluorescent lighting and a good mirror. I am confident and pleased that my crown / vertex continues to fill in. I put this down to a concerted push since February to massage twice daily since then… Just received the wooden massage tools from Krzysiu (thanks!), they make the whole process very much easier.”

— Arumiat, 29, Spain
Hair Loss Type

“I also feel my hair has a different texture to it now… Can’t thank @Rob (PHH) and @sanderson17 enough for allowing me to understand a bit what was going on with me and why all these [things were] happening. Here I leave you a little snippet of where I am today.”

— RDB, 35, New York, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“Feels awesome man. I don’t know if you can tell from the pics, but not only did I thicken up what I had, but I’m regrowing my juvenile hairline. My hairline hasn’t been this low since middle school. And all this from massages and good diet?!?! Incredible, dude… As you can see, I think I can still add a little density to the hairline, but I think the results are just more proof for the fibrosis / inflammation theory of hair loss.”

— Jared, West Virginia, U.S.A.

“Here [are] comparison pic[s] from the start and today with what I feel is some quite noticeable improvement!! Both pics were taken with similar length hair and both after a shower… As always thanks for all your awesome research. I would never have started this journey had I not discovered your site.

— J.G., U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“I’m very pleased with the results from minoxidil.  I’ve added [spironolactone] and that has helped with facial hair growth.  I do have a dermatologist but I’m not impressed.  Rob has helped me more then they have…  Seems to be working, so I’m sticking to it.

— Denese, 60’s, U.S.A.

“Thank you”

— Viktor, 50’s, Europe
Hair Loss Type

It’s nothing short of incredible… I’ve thickened up considerably now that I’ve been doing [this routine] for almost 8 months. I’ve noticed a huge change in my scalp pliability. Have tons of vellus hairs on my hairline that I can actually see pigmenting at the root… I’m thrilled. I’m going to schedule another consultation with you after the 6 month mark to get any updates or data you might have.”

— C.C., U.S.A., age 30
Hair Loss Type

“As I mentioned in one of my comments, I see a massive amount of regrowth that is all less than about 8 cm long… I can’t thank you enough for what your program—essentially all of your time and research—has done for me! And I loved your latest research article! I am ecstatic to know that so many others have been helped and that there will be many more to come! The key is to get your information to hair loss sufferers early on in the process—before they have been bombarded with misinformation and the myriad (and costly) product pitches that leads nowhere except to discouragement.”

— Lisa, 52, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“It’s nothing short of awe-inspiring what you are doing here and have been doing over the last decade. To press with such integrity and dedication into this very controversial and hotly debated topic of hair loss is a genuine service to a huge worldwide community of hair loss sufferers. Thank you for your honesty, sincerity, curiosity, tenacity, rigor and vigor.

— J.K., 24, E.U.
Hair Loss Type

“It’s been a year already that I’m a member and I can say that my hair volume/thickness is about 30% more than it was when I first started. Thanks for all the great advice and support Rob I owe you a lot.”

— Douglas, 50’s, Montréal, Canada
Hair Loss Type

“Something has happened over the last little while. My hair density has really gone up, I don’t even think about it anymore and I’ve been cutting my hair quite short… I’ve attached a video of my progress from 19/09/2019 to 13-09-2020, which has been made through massages alone. Good luck to anyone on their hair journey, stick with it…

— Mathew, 30, Australia
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

I recovered about 40% of my previous hair loss… Hearty congratulations on your honest, logical and extensive work.”

— Mike, 63, New Zealand
Hair Loss Type

“I just wanted to thank you for all your research, for introducing me to this method and for answering all my questions. I no longer have to shave my head or wear a hat to have confidence again. If there’s anything else I can do let me know. Thanks again!”

— Ben M., U.S.A

“I wanted to reach for a couple of reasons; first, to say thanks for all your hard work and tenacity… I’ve been telling a lot of people about you, most of my friend’s mouths dropped when I show them these photos. Funny, I was showing my buddy last night (who’s losing his hair) and you could tell he was impressed. (I’m blown away myself).”

— Brian, 30’s, U.S.A
Hair Loss Type

[Sheila] had been dealing with long-standing alopecia areata since high school. For 5+ years, she had tried conventional therapies, but any regrowth achieved was temporary and did not sustain following the stop of any treatment. Within a week of making these dietary + lifetsyle interventions she noticed her patch filling in. Within two months, there was no evidence of alopecia areata. Months later, she has sustained her full recovery – even after reintroducing previously troublesome foods.

— Sheila, 20’s, Canada
Hair Loss Type

“The recession in front is filling in VERY slowly, but it is filling in (the left side faster than the right for some reason). More noticeable is increased thickness where I still had hair… I’m seeing new hair growth where there hasn’t been hair in ten years. Amazing.”

— JD Moyer, Oakland, CA
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“I’d say I’ve regrown about 25% of my hair… Rob, greatly appreciate your excellent research. This has been an amazing journey in my life.

— Trent, 27, Texas, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“It’s been about 6 months since our video call, but just wanted to give an encouraging update! … I think the coolest part is that other people are starting to notice which has been so rewarding. My barber has been telling his clients about my experience, and makes comments every time I come in for a cut.”

— Marcus, 20’s, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

“Thank you again… you’ve honestly changed my life for the better and I’m sure there are countless others out there that feel the same way.”

— Calvin, 22, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“I started, what I thought was the regimen, around late September last year, and started the protocol around January. However, I didn’t properly do the regimen until months later, probably around June. Most of my progress has been since then. I am extremely happy with the progress, considering those two dots on my crown were bald before, and now they are not.”

— Ben G., 27, U.S.A
Hair Loss Type

“My friends actually told me, “Your hairline improved. Your hair looks thicker, much more denser.” And as you can see, it wasn’t like this a few months ago… My scalp was extremely red, now it’s rejuvenated.”

— Rabih, 30’s, U.S.A.

“I am very pleased with the results so far. I think about my hair loss much much less and feel a lot more comfortable in harsher lighting etc. And I don’t think it needed to take 4 years, I just needed to follow a stricter protocol from day one instead of starting and stopping and changing.”

— Carl, 30’s, Europe
Hair Loss Type

I have gained so much already with my hair. I can’t describe the relief of of knowing I won’t go bald… I wish I knew this years ago but so happy that I can make such progress.”

— A.S., U.S.A
Hair Loss Type

“Finasteride never completely stopped my hair loss (but it really slowed it… I began in 2009…) and before discovering [your site], I was in despair, and I even planned to take Dutasteride… Now, I know that my hair is improving day after day, so I am not afraid of the future anymore. I would like to thank you: this has been a real life changer for me. Of course, I still need to continue to do it on a regular basis, but it has already improved my life: my hair quality and thickness is much better, my seborrheic dermatitis vanished… and my hairline is regrowing, very slowly, but surely.”

— Gerard, 32, France
Hair Loss Type

“The hairline at the front has thickened and advanced a great deal and the balding area at the back has filled in to about 75% (from about 35-40% density 16 months ago!) …Yes, its a tedious process, but man is it worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone give Rob a Nobel Prize already!!”

— Chris M., Australia, filmmaker
Hair Loss Type
Regrowth Regimen

“Please see attach photos… Thank you! … I look forward to continue this hair restoration journey.”

— M.F., 30’s, U.S.A.
Hair Loss Type

I am now at a point where, with dry hair, most people simply cannot tell that I have AGA. When my hair is wet you can definitely see that it has not 100% regrown, but for my purposes this treatment surpassed my expectations and I am thrilled (I no longer have to wear a cap!).”

— Pmano, age 24
Hair Loss Type

“My hair stylist even noted that my hair has gotten thicker like it used to be when I was younger.”

— Mike, 28, U.S.A
Hair Loss Type

“Hair has been continuing to thicken up and currently it looks like I might be able to cap out at a NW2-2.5 based on my vellus and forming terminal hairs. Which is crazy coming from a NW4.5, I honestly can’t remember the last time I was a NW2.5.

I know it’s going to take some time to regrow more but I might actually get to experience some of my youth before I’m actually old because of you and honestly that means the world to me.

— M.T.C., Australia, age 23
Hair Loss Type

Want to give yourself the best chance of preventing further hairloss and obtaining regrowth?

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