
Perfect Hair Health is run by hair loss researchers and consumer advocates.

Our goal is to get you the best possible hair growth outcomes and protect you from products, therapies, or services that waste your time, money, and hair. Here’s what we stand for.

We prioritize hair loss education, not product purchases.


Health websites, telehealth brands, and dermatologists give conflicting advice about what causes hair loss and how to treat it. They angle their information to prioritize their product sales over your outcomes.


Dermatologists want to sell you PRP and stem cells, so they forget to tell you about at-home devices that cost $10, work the same way, and get the same results.



Marketers want to sell you biotin, so they cite studies on malnourished kids and disregard that, in the developed world, hair loss caused by low biotin is incredibly rare.


Health brands

Health brands want to sell you supplements, so they fearmonger over drugs’ side effects and ignore data showing long-term harm from the natural ingredients they sell.

Health brands


We evaluate all treatments through the same lens: our Treatment Metrics. This creates impartiality in our assessments, so you can turn to us for the facts (not fluff) about hair loss, and how to fix it.

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We prioritize evidence quality.


When selling hair growth products, marketers can legally make claims that are half-true and, simultaneously, deliberately misleading. In this industry, legal protections are low, consumer advocacy is nearly nonexistent, and so deceit runs rampant.


Marketers cite studies showing you peppermint oil regrows hair, but fail to mention those studies were on mice, not men, or that animal models rarely translate to humans.



Nutraceuticals publish studies on their hair growth supplements, but bury the fact that their study participants had no diagnosable hair loss disorder.


Laser cap retailers

Laser cap retailers boast about their peer-reviewed results in product ads, only to bait-and-switch consumers at checkout by selling them an unstudied laser helmet.

Laser cap retailers


We use a key tool to predict if any product’s “study” results will translate to your “real-world” results. It’s called evidence quality, and it forms the foundation of all our research and recommendations.

Learn it, apply it, and you will become impervious to well-marketed scams and save yourself years of time, money, and hair.

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We help people regrow hair.


Consumers lack step-by-step guidance on how to maximize their hair growth outcomes.

Pat never started a regrowth regimen due to information overwhelm.

Alex keeps taking a scattered, shotgun approach to hair growth – buying the latest “breakthrough” from their newsfeed with no idea of its evidence quality, how long to use it before expecting results, and how it compares to cheaper alternatives.

Austin got side effects from hair growth drugs, and now feels doomed nothing will work.


We aim to provide best-in-class, cutting-edge information on what causes hair loss and how to fix it – so you can cut through the clutter of misinformation and start taking action. No matter your hair loss types or treatment preferences, we advocate for your success with our free educational videos, articles, and interactive guides.

For those who work directly with us, we offer hands-on support and customized plans to assess your hair loss, plan your protocol, track your progress, maximize your results, mitigate your side effects, and save you years of time, money, and hair. Our systems-based approach (and the outcomes it produces) speaks for itself.

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How does Perfect Hair Health work?

We’re a team of hair loss researchers and consumer advocates. We’re dedicated to getting you the best possible hair growth outcomes and saving you from products that might waste your time, money, and hair. We strive to be your #1 resource for anything related to hair loss science.

We focus on personal support, rather than product purchases. We also assess treatments based on a standardized set of rubrics: our Treatment Metics. This enables us to give you our unbiased analysis of any hair loss topic – from theories to treatments.

For anyone with an internet connection, we offer hundreds of free educational resources: in-depth videos, articles, and interactive guides. We also regularly publish peer-reviewed papers ranging from opinion pieces to cross-sectional surveys to systematic reviews – all in an effort to progress hair loss research in a direction that prioritizes consumers’ outcomes rather than companies’ bottom lines.

We financially support our site through personal services inside our membership program. This is where we offer 1:1 support, video consultations, and a systems-based approach to assess your hair loss, plan your protocol, track your progress, maximize your results, mitigate your side effects, and set you up for long-term success. This enables us to serve hair loss sufferers in the most ethical way – one that aligns with their outcomes – while also funding our efforts to produce the best-in-class content on this subject.

Why do you also publish peer-reviewed papers?

All our researchers and writers have authored peer-reviewed papers on hair loss disorders. We also publish systematic literature reviews on treatments. Our papers have been cited by Fortune 500 companies like Allergan and top-ranking podcasts like Andrew Huberman.

We publish studies so we can remain on the cutting edge of hair loss research, and communicate that information to consumers. All of our papers are open access. You can read them here.

Do you also support natural treatments?

Unlike hair loss forums that get tribalistic over natural vs. conventional treatments, we evaluate the clinical support of any treatment based on 3 key factors: evidence quality, regrowth potential, and long-term viability. This includes natural and pharmaceutical interventions.

What matters most to us is that consumers understand what these metrics are, why they’re important, and how they change depending on the treatment you’re exploring. For more information, click here.

Natural interventions tend to have lower levels of clinical support, and thereby higher variabilities in response rates. Yet many of our success stories have achieved hair regrowth – with photo evidence – even in the absence of pharmaceuticals. See our examples here.

How can I work with your team?

We offer personal support, video consultations, and customized step-by-step systems for hair regrowth inside our membership program.

All first purchases come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try the program risk-free to ensure we’re a good fit for each other. For more information, click here.

I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

You can contact us here.

We endeavor to get back to everyone who emails us, and provide you with free resources that answer your questions through videos, articles, and more.

Please keep in mind that we cannot provide free email support outside of our membership program. Doing so would undermine those who help financially support our research efforts.

For those interested in receiving personalized support from us, see our membership program.

Stop guessing which hair loss treatments
actually work

Instead, just read our cheat sheet

You’ll get the facts on nine “natural” and “conventional” hair loss treatments: how they work, how much hair they’ll regrow, their limitations, and what their marketers don’t want you know.