How Long Does Finasteride Stay in the bloodstream?

How Long Does Finasteride Stay in the Bloodstream?

Oral finasteride is a gold-standard treatment option for men wanting a low-effort approach to hair maintenance. The drug is FDA-approved for androgenic alopecia (AGA) – with two-year studies showing that 1 mg daily of finasteride might slow, stop, or partially reverse AGA progression in 80-90% of men using the drug.[1]https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9777765/ But what happens when someone … Read more…

post finasteride syndrome

What Is Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS)? Is It Real? And What Is Its Prevalence?

Post-Finasteride Syndrome is a term used to describe a constellation of symptoms reported by former finasteride users who quit using the drug, but who still report drug-related side effects more than 3 months after discontinuing. Amongst dermatologists, endocrinologists, and hair loss researchers, the existence and prevalence of Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) is a hotly debated topic. … Read more…

Topical finasteride

Topical Finasteride: How Can I Minimize My Partner’s Exposure To The Drug?

In this article, we’ll explore the science behind topical finasteride, if incidental exposure to the drug comes with a risk of harming pregnant women and/or children, and strategies you can employ starting today to minimize inadvertently exposing your household to secondary finasteride exposure – all while still preserving your hair gains from the drug. Topical … Read more…

planning a family finasteride

If I Am Planning a Family, Should I Stop Taking Finasteride? (Men & Women)

In the medical literature, it’s well established that women should withdraw from finasteride prior to conceiving, or abstain from finasteride throughout pregnancy and/or while breastfeeding. But what about men? Can they continue using finasteride during conception? What about during their partners’ pregnancy — when indirect finasteride exposure (via semen) might expose the female and fetus … Read more…